Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When you start Word, the program automatically loads templates and add-ins that are located in the Startup folders. When you restart Word, a new global template (Normal.dot) is created that contains the Word default settings. How do I change the default template in Microsoft Word?Ĭlick Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK. If you prefer to reset user options and registry settings in Microsoft Word yourself, go to the “Let me fix it myself” section. To have us reset user options and registry settings in Microsoft Word for you, go to the “Here’s an easy fix” section. How do I reset user options and registry settings in Microsoft Word? Word will generate a fresh factory-default copy the next time you start. To reset Word to its default settings, however, you need only rename Normal.dotm (Normal.old is the usual suggestion). To edit it, you must open it as a document (choose Open rather than New from the right-click menu). If that doesn’t solve your problems, then you may need to delete the Word Data key in the Registry. How do I reset Microsoft Word to default settings? When seen, click on the Reset option to reinstall the app. Scroll down the page to find Reset and Repair options. When the app’s entry is visible in the Search, right-click it, and select the ‘App settings’ option to open its settings. To proceed, type the apps name – eg, Word in Start search. After the dialog box loads, choose the Repair option and click Continue.A list of all installed programs should now appear.After the Control Panel window opens, click on Uninstall a Program.To begin, click on Start and then Control Panel.
How do I uninstall corrupted Office 2007 in Windows 7? Right-click the menu you want to restore and then click the “Reset” button. Click on the “Tools” menu and then click “Customize.”. How do you reset Excel 2007 Settings without reinstalling? These allow you to customize the application to work how you want it to.

Click on the File menu, then choose Options to bring up the many options necessary to alter Word’s features. When you open up Microsoft Word, you can find each one of its settings somewhere in the menu above the ribbon. How do I change my Microsoft Word settings? There, you will get Reset and Repair options. Click on the link to open the Advanced options page. Next, locate Microsoft Office Desktop Apps entry and then click on the same to make ‘Advanced options’ link visible. Select Winword.exe and click ok or open at the bottom.Ģ] Reset all Office apps simultaneously Navigate to Apps section and select ‘Apps & features’.Click browse->click on computer or my computer or C:\\ on the left pane->program files->Microsoft Office->Office 12.Right click a file with a filetype that you want to open in Word ->open with->choose default program.How do I make Microsoft Office 2007 my default? Now all new documents will have your own customized settings as the default format.In the Manage Styles dialog box click on the Set Defaults tab and make the changes to the fonts, line and paragraph spacing.At the bottom of the menu click on the Manage Styles icon.How do I change settings on Microsoft Word 2007?